Photography Info

Nikon D5200
I often get asked what camera I use for some of the photos on this blog, my Facebook, or many of the other pages and sites I run.

Most of the standard photos you see here will be taken by me using a Nikon D5200Canon PowerShot SX530, or Samsung Galaxy S9+ in the event underwater images appear here they'll be from a Fujifilm XP90 or Fujifilm XP120.

I'm not a professional photographer by any means, even though I'm doing my best to learn as much as I can to improve my images when possible as I'm very interested in macro, night time/low light, and nature photography.

I would highly recommend the Nikon brand of DSLR's to anyone who is serious about photography and willing to learn more than just the basics. You can get decent results from a cheaper point and shoot as well if you just want to take a few images here and there, for example, the image above was taken with a Samsung DV50 which is available for less than $250 as a cheaper pocket-sized alternative to the larger pricier DSLR's. While point and shoot cameras offer cheaper price tags they do so at the expense of high-end features and user control often providing auto settings and only minimal manual control.

If you're a professional photographer with some cash to spend I'd recommend the Nikon D850, Canon 5DSR, or Sony A7RIII all of which are solid platforms that with a little know-how are capable of delivering astounding quality photos. These cameras come with price ranges over $2000 and as such aren't an option for everyone and require a serious investment and commitment.

I'm determined and steadily working at becoming better when it comes to my photography with the guidance of friends who are professionals, Youtube tutorials, and other how-to videos. I've come a long way since I first drooled over the Nikon D5200 in a local Sam's Club but I still, in all honesty, have a long way to go before even coming close to being considered a professional.

By reading this blog and following me on Facebook you're taking the journey with me as I discover, develop, and fine-tune my photography skills while exploring a new active lifestyle seeing the sights around the state of West Virginia and the country.


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