Treasure on the Mountain 2018 - Snowshoe WV

Treasure on the Mountain 2018
Side view of Treasure on the Mountain Event 2018
On August 4th, 2018 I once again got to attend the Treasure on the Mountain gun bash in Snowshoe WV. This event is one that I often attend as even if I don't win anything I still manage to eat some great food, relax, enjoy the sights, and spend time with my wife and/or dad.

The event is hosted by and benefits a lot of charity programs while giving attendees a chance at winning some very nice prizes ranging from vacations to guns, cars, trucks, cash, and more.

Your main ticket purchase gets you access into the event, a ton of food, and one hell of a view from on top of the world. When you arrive you'll have to find parking at one of the lots however they run shuttles all day long during the event so parking anywhere remotely close to the venue is fine.

I've attended this event on and off for a few years and have yet to get my chance to jump on stage and claim anything but never once regretted attending. The first time I attended I got to hang out with some of the cast of Buck Wild and spent most of the event talking to Shain Gandee's family and browsing the gun show they had at that time while enjoying some awesome Gandee Candy. Like any gun bash, they offer tips games, floor raffles, and a fun time for anyone who is into hunting.

If you'd like to learn more about this annual event you can do so by visiting the link above.


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