Philippi Covered Bridge & Mummies.

Philippi Covered Bridge
Located in Philippi WV in Barbour County is one of the most well known covered bridges in West Virginia.

Immediately to the left of the bridge on the downtown side is a historic marker that reads "The Philippi Covered Bridge across Tygart Valley River was built in 1852 by Lemuel Chenoweth of Beverly. Made of wood, with the exception of the iron bolts used to hold the segments together, it is an example of the best in covered bridge architecture and design. It was used by armies of the North and South during the Civil War. In 1934 the bridge was strengthened to permit modern traffic and is today a part of U.S. 250."

The Philippi Covered Bridge is West Virginia's oldest covered bridge. In February 1989 a fire claimed some 60% of the bridge and it was re-opened in September of 1991 two years and seven months later. The bridge remains an iconic staple of the Philippi landscape and near and dear to the hearts of many locals who continue to use the bridge despite a newer bypass being constructed.

Philippi Museum
Located on the downtown end of the bridge is a small museum with relics from the civil war among other local artifacts.

The most unusual attraction at the museum is a pair of mummified female cadavers that were purchased from the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in 1888 by Graham Hamrick.

Graham was a farmer and amateur scientist who was determined to unlock the secrets of the Pharaohs and did so all too well.

The Smithsonian was interested in exhibiting his mummies at one point but wouldn't do so without him giving up his secrets as to how he carried out the mummification which he refused to do.

After his death, the mummies toured Europe for several years as part of the P.T. Barnum curiosity collection and were returned to Philippi after interest in them wained.

The mummies survived a few floods and after some restoration remain to this day an odd and interesting stop at their home in Philippi.


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